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Prof. malcolm kell profile

Prof. Malcolm KellGeneral Surgery, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Breast Surgery

Malcolm Kell has worked as a consultant surgeon and clinical professor within the national breast screening programme in the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital since 2005. Malcolm Kell graduated from the University of Glasgow and trained in Scotland, England and Ireland then completed research training at Harvard Medical school, Boston, and surgical oncology training in Fox Chase Cancer Centre, Philadelphia.

Professor Kell acted as Lead Surgeon in Breasthealth, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital from 2008 to 2012, and was president of the Society of Irish Breast Surgeons from 2012 to 2014.

Prof. malcolm kell - General Surgery, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Breast Surgery

Education & Experience:

  • University of Glasgow 1988-93
  • Basic Surgery Training UK and Ireland 1993-1998
  • Surgical Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School, USA, 1998-1999
  • Higher Surgical Training, Ireland 1999-2004.
  • Surgical Oncology Fellow, Fox Chase Cancer Centre, Philadelphia USA, 2004-2005
  • Consultant Surgeon and Clinical Surgeon, Mater Private, Breastcheck and Mater Miseriacordiae University Hospital, 2005-present.

Special Interests:

  • Breast Reconstruction, Aesthetic Breast Surgery and Lipotransfer.

Clinical Research & Professional Memberships:

Prof. Malcolm Kell
  • 69 Eccles Street
    Dublin IE 7

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