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Prof. malcolm kell - General Surgery, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Breast Surgery

Prof. Malcolm KellGeneral Surgery, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Breast Surgery

  • Consultant surgeon and clinical professor within the national breast screening programme in the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital since 2005.
  • President of the Society of Irish Breast Surgeons from 2012-2014
  • Acted as Lead Surgeon in Breasthealth, Mater Misericordiae University hospital from 2008-2012
Prof. malcolm kell - General Surgery, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Breast Surgery
  • How can I thank you? Not just for your professional skills but for the thought and concern you displayed while treating me.

    Very Good

    ~Verified Patient ~

Am I at Risk ofBreast Cancer?

Breast cancers can be benign (non-cancerous growth of cells) or malignant (cancerous and can spread to other parts of the body). Over a period of time, the malignant tumour cells can invade nearby healthy tissues such as the axillary lymph nodes (found in the underarm) and slowly move to other parts of the body.

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Prof. Malcolm Kell in The Media
Prof. Malcolm Kell in The Media

Prof. Malcolm Kell talks about the usage of synthetic mesh in contrast to biologics